As volunteers of CIG Arcigay Milano we design and promote various initiatives in support of the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond.
If you have an idea Write us

Pronto Helpline
Welcome, phone and social chat helpline
Looking for someone to listen, support or help? Do you need information related to the LGBTQIA+ world? Do you want to get out of isolation, but don't know where to start? Do you want to talk about coming out, relationships, your experiences?
You can talk to us. The volunteers of the CIG Arcigay Milano are available to the Milanese community through the Pronto helpline, which offers various channels of dialogue, from the historic Telefono Amico to the most recent Social Chat service.
Call us, write to us or come visit us on Sundays.
Choose whichever modality you prefer.
Welcome at headquarters
Every Sunday from 3:30p.m. to 7:30p.m., at our headquarters in Via Bezzecca, 3, Milan. Come by and let’s talk in person.
Telephone Helpline
Call 02 541 222 27, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m
Social Chat
Social Media Chat on Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct or, more anonymously, on Telegram. You can write to us every day from 9 am to midnight (here are the rules)
Mail Helpline
Write to us at

Education at school
Meetings and workshops for students, teachers, parents
If you are looking to organise a education session on topics such as sexual orientation, gender identity, homo-transphobia, bullying, stereotypes and respect for diversity, we can help. Since 1994, the CIG School Group has been organizing and carrying out free educational meetings and projects in elementary and middle schools in Milan and its province. In an informal atmosphere, students and teachers take on topics such as affectivity, discovery and self-acceptance and all the whatever other interests that can emerge from classroom discussion.
In the dossier of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) "Homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the EU Member States" it appears that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students can be victims of verbal and physical abuse in school and grow up learning to hide their natural inclinations. Discrimination can lead to abandonment and absenteeism, reducing the possibility of continuing to higher education, and also lead to social isolation and psychological distress. Precisely for this reason, we offer educational workshops modelled on the specific needs of students and teachers.
→ Follow the School Group's activities

Free testing and health info
Prevention culture, health care and support
Every last Sunday of the month, from 3:30p.m. to 6:30p.m., you can have free, fast and anonymous HIV and Syphilis tests at the headquarters of the organization, in via Bezzecca 3, thanks to our Health Section. Taking the HIV test regularly is a habit that should always be maintained, even when you are in a couple. If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse or have doubts about your serological status, come to our appointments to take the test. You can also find information material on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), on prep, and on sexual well-being, and you can get condoms. We also organize training and information sessions at venues attended by a LGBTQIA+ audiences.
For advice or help, do not hesitate to write to us via email or through our social media channels (Instagram - Facebook).
We are always happy to help!
Milano Checkpoint
→ Via Pergolesi 15, cit.17
Monday – PreP counter – 3:00p.m./8:00p.m.
Wednesday – Free HIV and Syphilis Tests – 4:00p.m./8:00p.m.
Thursday – PreP Desk – 3:00p.m./8:00p.m.
Reference Centre for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Fondazione IRCCS CA’ Granda)
→ Via Pace 9, pavilion 3
Monday to Friday: 07.00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Free HIV and Syphilis testing without doctor’s appointment or prescription, limited access
ATS Metropolitan City MILAN - MTS Outpatient Clinic
Monday to Friday from 8:15a.m. to 3:30p.m.
Free test with appointment by telephone, without doctor’s prescription
San Paolo Hospital
Monday to Friday from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.
Free test without doctor’s prescription
Ospedale Sacco
→ Via G.B. Grassi 74, pavilion 56, shuttle stop G, floor -1,
Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Free test with direct access, you must bring your regional service card

Library and archive
A wealth of books, videos, research and consultation materials
Thanks to our library you can discover and learn more about the history of the LGBTQIA+ movement in Milan, Italy and beyond. In our archive - the Centro di Documentazione Omologie - we curate over six thousand books, magazines, comics and works, two hundred posters, several thousand flyers and postcards, as well as approximately one hundred university theses and more than two thousand videos and radio recordings. Over the years, materials have converged in the CIG from the lesbian archive Blu di Metilene (Milanese lesbian group), from the monthly gay magazine Babilonia, from the original archive of Lambda, the most famous of homosexual magazine of the 70s, from the archive of the CEDOM documentation center in Via Morigi in Milan, as well as from the collection of the scholar Gino Olivari. It is a unique and precious heritage of materials, an essential archive in the Italian and international library scene.
The loan of books and videos is free for members of the organization.
At the moment the Library is open only by appointment (, for specific research or thesis assistance.
You can consult the entire catalogue on the OPAC circuit.

Psychological desk
Free appointments with counsellors
The counselling and psychological support desk is a counselling service managed by psychotherapists and counsellors who are experts in LGBTQIA+ issues. It is aimed at those who wish to address issues or difficulties related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The aim of the service is to offer a welcoming and non-judgmental listening and support space, and to promote full and serene personal development. The service is also open to family, friends and acquaintances of people from the LGBTQIA+ community.
There is an offer of 3 free appointments lasting about 50 minutes per person; the subsequent ones at a controlled price. For information and to book a meeting, write to

Youth Group
An inclusive space for those under 30
If you are between 16 and 28 years old, you can participate in the activities promoted by the Youth Group, a safe space in which to discuss and be yourself with pride. Sometimes it is difficult, especially when you have no reference points, to get to know the LGBTQIA+ community: we want to grow together by living the many experiences and opportunities that Milan and its hinterland offer us.
We strive to make our generation more informed in the struggle for minority rights and more aware of the various collectives within the community, thanks to an intersectional and feminist activism that enriches, and includes interrelated issues. At our meetings you will find a climate of respect and lack of judgment, which is the basis of everything. We welcome young people and teenagers from the entire LGBTQIA+ community, who can actively participate by bringing their own personal contribution with ideas and proposals. With the Group you will be able to socialize and discuss on an equal footing on current issues inside or outside our community, combining moments of training and opportunities for leisure.
The fixed appointment is on Saturday afternoon and is a great first step to get in touch with the varied rainbow world and the Cig Arcigay Milan: if you do not know where to start and you are asking yourself a lot of questions, do not hesitate to jump into this experience.

Milano Pride
An extraordinary festival of freedom
Milan Pride is one of the most heartfelt and attended political events in the city, an extraordinary festival of freedom made possible by the joint work of public institutions, associations and commercial organizations as well as the participation of thousands of people.
It is organized by the Pride Committee of the CIG Arcigay Milano in collaboration with the organizationss of the Rainbow Coordination. Milan Pride is also part of Onda Pride, the movement that unites all Italian Prides. It is held every June to commemorate the birth of the LGBTQIA+ rights movement in 1969 and to continue advancing the political and cultural demands of our community, with pride, determination, struggle, creativity and joy. Around the event there are a schedule of events, debates, workshops, reviews, political campaigns, concerts, shows that animate Milan for several weeks involving activists, experts, artists, local government representatives, teachers, sportspeople.
Milano Pride
Find out more on the Milan Pride website and on the event’s social channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter)
Edizioni passate
Guarda i video delle edizioni 2019, 2020 (edizione solo digitale causa COVID-19), 2021 e 2022. Puoi anche leggere il manifesto politico dell’edizione 2022.

Cultural meetings
Every Wednesday night thoughts, stories, hopes
Every Wednesday evening from 8p.m. the headquarters in via Bezzecca 3 opens for the meetings promoted by the Culture Section of the organization. These meetings give space to stories, thoughts, hopes, debates and ideas and promote an active and constructive involvement towards Milan and its community. Film screenings, debates, dinners with friends, book and work presentations, meetings to share what is really inside us and what more than anything else characterizes us.
Services for and with deaf people
LIS courses and projects to improve accessibility
We organize projects and awareness courses on LIS (Italian Sign Language) and the culture of deaf people, to overcome all forms of discrimination related to hearing impairment within and outside the LGBTQIA+ community. We also work to allow those who are deaf to be included as much as possible in the activities organized by the hearing people of the organization, starting with Pride, training courses and political and cultural initiatives, and make them protagonists of specific initiatives that are born within the Deaf LGBT+ Lombardy Group present at CIG Arcigay Milan.
If you want to participate in the activities of the Deaf Group write to us at: You can also visit this Facebook Group.

LGBTQIA+ migrants
A helpdesk to help and raise awareness
Through the IO Group we provide guidance, social support and help in requesting international protection for those who flee the country of origin because they are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. If you find yourself in such a situation, write to us (in your native language if you want) here: or come and visit us when we meet on Wednesdays, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. (write to us to know where: due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the moment we are not using the headquarters of the organization).
The helpdesk is aimed at LGBTQIA+ migrants but also at the entire Italian LGBTQIA+ community through awareness-raising activities on issues related to multiple discriminations. We try to give those who are migrants a context in which to compare experiences and begin to integrate into society.
You will find in the appointments promoted by the organization Italian language courses, meetings to raise awareness of the rights and duties of those residing in our country, debates to address the intersections between migratory paths, genders and sexual orientations.

Women’s Group Activities
Friendships, projects and intersectional issues
Every second and fourth Sunday of the month, the volunteers of the Women's Group organize cultural events, debates and live meetings to give voice to women and their infinite nuances, also dealing with intersectional issues. The group's activities include projection of short films, explorations or friendly chats that can lead to projects.
The initiatives are open to anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. Find and follow the activities on Instagram and Facebook, or send us an email at:

Assistance at work
Against the discrimination of workers
If you are experiencing discrimination at work that you feel is based on your orientation or gender identity, we can help. Send us an email ( or get in touch with Pronto, our listening and welcoming services.
Trade union officials and company managers are not always ready to deal in a professional and empathetic way with the problems of staff who may feel discriminated against, in particular if this attitude relates to a sensitive topic that is as little known as that of differences in sexual orientation or gender identity.