CIG Arcigay Milano is a voluntary, secular and democratic association that promotes political activities, cultural projects and services for the LGBTQIA+ community.

We count more than 400 volunteers. Our initiatives include legal and psychological assistance, anti-bullying education courses in schools, helpline services, preservation of our historical archive and organizing Milano Pride each year. In 1985 we helped found national Arcigay, of which we are a provincial committee.

Services and activities

We are committed to supporting the gay, lesbian, transgender, bi, queer and + community

Find out what we do
Pronto Helpline

Phone, social chat helpline and welcoming at our headquarters, but also psychological and legal assistance. Pronto is our helplin

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Education at school

Every year we offer education sessions to over 2000 young people and teachers on topics such as bullying and diversity.

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Free testing and health info

Test per tuttə, formazione sul tema salute e lotta contro lo stigma verso chi è HIV+

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Library and archive

Remembrance nd art. We collect, catalogue and store documentation related to the LGBTQIA+ movement in Milan and Italy

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Psychological desk

The counselling and psychological support desk is a counselling service managed by psychotherapists and counsellors who are experts in LGBTQIA+ issues

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Youth Group

We give space and support to the movements and ideas of the youth group in order to promote inclusion and intersectionality

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Milano Pride

We lead, together with the Rainbow Coordination, one of the most important and heartfelt political demonstrations in the city

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Cultural meetings

We delve into social and cultural topics related to the LGBTQIA+ universe. Appointment on Wednesday.

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Services for and with deaf people

We work for the full involvement of deaf people in the activities of the LGBT+ community in Lombardy

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LGBTQIA+ migrants

Technical assistance and language courses. We provide guidance, social support and help in requesting international protection.

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Women’s Group Activities

Friendships, projects and intersectional issues. Cultural events, debates and live meetings to give voice to women and their infinite nuances.

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Assistance at work

Against the discrimination of workers

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Get involved

Apply for a membership card, donate your 5x1000 or join our team of volunteers