CIG Arcigay Milano hosts activities throughout the week. Here you will find our fixed appointments, they are as many and varied as we are!
We advise you to always check in with who manages the activity you are interested in, as sometimes you will find them in third-party locations. Find contacts below. Or listen to our voicemail at:
Also check out our news section, where you’ll find all the other events organized throughout the year.
Our office is open from 4 to 8 pm.
This meeting is closed to the public and aimed only at volunteers of the group, who meet to manage their activities and training. However, you can request an appointment to meet them! You can get in touch with them by writing here:
Our office is open from 4 to 8 pm
The women of our organization come together to organize their activities. It is an appointment reserved only for the volunteers of the Group. Contact them if you need information at:
Our office is open from 10:30a.m. to 13:30p.m. (by appointment) and from 2:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.
From 6:30p.m. to 8:00p.m.
the IO Group meets, working for migrants and LGBTQ+ rights
Learn more hereDue to the COVID-19 pandemic at the moment this appointment takes place in an alternative location. Write to the group to know where:
From 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., meetings of the Culture Division are held and are open to the public. They are an opportunity for debate and discussion, a way to get to know films and books, and an opportunity to participate in social dinners. The appointment program is available in the news section here.
Thursday evening
Welcome and Telephone Helpline Divisions
Thursday evening is, in general, the evening of the Welcome and Telephone Helpline Divisions. It is a meeting reserved for those who are volunteers of the Divisions.
The office is open from 4:00p.m. to 7:30p.m
Saturday afternoon
The Youth Group meets on Saturday afternoon. You can find out about the activities scheduled and ask for more information by following this Instagram channel, or by sending an email to
Every Sunday afternoon, from 3:30p.m. to 7:30p.m., the headquarters of the organization is open and at your disposal.
To welcome you and listen to you, you will find volunteers from the Welcome Division.
Every second and fourth Sunday of the month, the volunteers of the Women’s Group organize cultural events, debates and live meetings. You can follow the activities on the Group’s social channels.
Finally, on the last Sunday of the month, we give you the opportunity to take fast, anonymous and free HIV and Syphilis tests. Contact the Health Division for more details (, or follow the social media group.