The CIG Arcigay Milano lives and grows thanks to the contributions of people like you. There are many ways you can help us and participate in our initiatives, and here are some of them. If you want to know more you can have a chat with volunteers of Pronto, our welcoming services.

Info here

Arcigay Membership

To become a member of the organization, you must obtain a membership card. Becoming a member of Arcigay is a concrete sign of your support. The card costs 10 Euro and is valid for 365 days from the date of activation. You can do it directly at the headquarters, in via Bezzecca 3 in Milan, on Sunday afternoon (15:30-19:30). You need an identity document and the need to make the payment. Generally, you can also apply for membership during the events that we hold during the year, around the city. We protect your data and privacy with care.

Do you want to save time?

Compila il form sottostante e, dopo la conferma della Segreteria, recati in via Bezzecca 3 con un documento identificativo per ritirare la tessera.
  1. Insert your data

    This filed is required

    This filed is required

    This filed is required

  2. Upload the requested attachments

    Selected file:

    Bank account CIG: ODV Centro D’Iniziativa Gay Arcigay Milano Onlus IT24N0306909606100000014522

    Selected file:
  3. Confirm and submit your request

Thanks to the card you will have access to all the Arcigay clubs in Italy - there are more than 70 - including the affiliated recreational clubs. The card must be presented at the entrance of each club but, in case you forget it, just one of your documents will be sufficient to verify its validity.

Renew your card

After 365 days you can renew it, to continue to support us. Here you can check the status of your card and understand exactly when it expires. You can renew your card in person or by email, by sending your card number, a copy of your identity document, and a copy of the bank transfer (with the subject "renewal of card xxx") to the office. (

Arci Agreements

With your membership in Arcigay you will be part of the largest LGBTQIA+ organization in Italy and will contribute to the fight for a freer, more democratic and more secular country and against discrimination against our community, so that everyone is granted equal dignity and rights. With the card you can also enter the ARCI network (Arcigay is affiliated) and enjoy all the ARCI discounts and reductions. Finally, you will also have access to a series of useful agreements, with interesting discounts, which we have collected.

Teatro Elfo Puccini

Per tutti i soci del CIG Arcigay di Milano, biglietti scontati per la stagione 2015/2016 presentando in biglietteria la tessera associativa. Inolta in occassione del Milano Pride 2016, Il teatro Elfo Puccini riconoscerà ulteriori agevolazioni anche per i possesori della Pride Card

Teatro Menotti

Per tutti i soci del CIG Arcigay di Milano, previa prenotazione obbligatoria e presentando in biglietteria la tessera associativa si avrà diritto ad un biglietto ridotto a 18,00€ + prevendita 1,50€ (anzichè 25,00€ + prevendita 1,50€). La convenzione è valida fino al 30 giugno 2016 per gli spettacoli della Stagione 2015/2016

Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo

Auditorium di Milano Fondazione Cariplo
Largo Gustav Mahler – Milano
da martedì a domenica dalle 14.30 alle 19.00
tel. 02.83.389.401/402/403 fax 02.83.389.300


Per tutti i soci di Arcigay Milano, presentando la tessera associativa si avrà diritto, con la promozione RIDOTTO 1, alla possibilità di acquistare biglietti e abbonamenti scontati per posti in platea ed in galleria all’Auditorium di Milano. La convenzione é valida per la Stagione 2017.


laVerdi presenta la Stagione 2017 articolata in 34 concerti a cadenza settimanale, in programma all’Auditorium di Milano. La nuova stagione offrirà, tra i numerosi appuntamenti, alcuni concerti tradizionali, come la Nona di Beethoven, la Messa da Requiem di Verdi e la Passione secondo Giovanni di Bach.

Convenzione CIG Arcigay & Hard Candy Fitness Milano

Per tutti i soci del CIG in possesso della tessera, sconto del 20% sugli abbonamenti

Dr Andrea Scoccia, odontoiatra specialista in chirurgia odontostomatologica

Riceve presso lo Studio Odontoiatrico Palazzolo, 15% di sconto sul listino dello studio



Coaching – Mediazione – Negoziazione

Soluzioni rapide e gestione efficace dei conflitti. Ai soci del C.I.G. Arcigay Milano il primo incontro è gratuito mentre i successivi costeranno 60 euro con possibilità di mediazione in rapporto con la durate e la tipologia dell’intervento.




12% di sconto

NewClick Snc di Stringaro&Colombo

Via Padova Milano


10 % di sconto sul materiale in vendita
20 % di sconto sulle stampe digitali e gadget fotografici

Antica Focacceria San Francesco

Via Panfilo Castaldi, 37 Milano


Sconto 10% dal lunedì al giovedì


Rosticceria EMME SERVICE S.a.s

Via Panfilo Castaldi, 35 Milano


Primo + Bibita = 4 euro, Panino + Bibita = 4 euro.

Ristorante IGIBAN

Via Tadino 4 Milano


10% di sconto su menu

Libreria Antiquaria di Porta Venezia

Via Tadino, 6 Milano


15% di Sconto

Ottica San Gregorio

Via S.Gregorio 6


Occhiali da sole sconto 20%

Ochiali da vista sconto 25 %

Lenti a contatto sconto dal 5–10%

Libreria Popolare

Via Tadino, 18 Milano


Sconto 10%

Pizzeria Little Italy

Via Tadino 41 Milano


Sconto 10%


Via Lecco 5 Milano


Sconto 10%

WoT – Waste of time

Via Adige 7


Sconto 10%

ES collection Milano

Via Piacenza 8


Sconto 10%

La borsa del fumetto

Via Lecco 16


Sconto 10%

Arredamenti ExpoWeb

Arredamenti ExpoWeb

Sconto fino al 30%

M.H.I.D. Maiocchi House Interior Designer

Become a volunteer

If you have the desire and time to contribute to the life of the organization as a volunteer, first of all we want to say: welcome! And then: there are many ways to contribute, it depends on what inspires you and what you like.


Each Division, Group and Committee  of the organization can welcome volunteers, so it is primarily up to you to identify which area you may be interested in and start from there, by contacting the group via email or social media. Find a list of our active groups, along with ways to contact them directly. If you have any doubts, you can ask our helpline for advice.

It is important to know that for some activities – such as those related to education in schools, listening and reception, health – it is necessary to follow a training course, over several months, which will be challenging but at the same time will give you a lot of satisfaction.


If you don’t feel like committing for long periods of time, you could instead focus on supporting initiatives such as Milano Pride, which has many possibilities to help even if you don’t have much time, for example as a volunteer during the days of the event. You can contact the Pride team here:


Finally, if you want to help us on the communication front, you can fill out this form and we will contact you. Again: thank you very much.


We look forward to seeing you. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on the possibilities of support and participation!

5×1000 to our organization

To support the activities of the organization we need both human help and economic contributions. If you want to contribute, you can consider the possibility of donating the 5×1000 to the organization on your tax declaration. By doing so you will help the education activities in schools, prevention campaigns, support services for LGBTQIA+ people, the cultural and political initiatives that we carry out during the year, and the evolution and growth of the organization, among other things.

Come fare, dunque?

So what can you do? In your tax return, sign in the “SUPPORT OF VOLUNTEERING and OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS” section and enter the tax code 07331050158.


The 5×1000 does not cost anything and does not replace the 8×1000. Simply enter the tax code or communicate it to your accountant.


You’re going to make a huge difference for us. Thanks!

If you need further explanations, write to us:

Subscribe our newsletter

Stay up to date on the possibilities of support and participation!